Men and women are positioned
against one another in the battle for more fulfilling relationships; today they are being
urged to consider that romantically they are setting themselves up for failure. By holding
unrealistic expectations and believing fabrications told to them by pop culture, men and
women are paralyzed in their pursuit for romance. At Authentic
Messages, a message in a bottle company, we are continually searching for new ways to
mobilize people towards a more romantic life.
Women are deceived by the unattainable dream of the romantic man (soon she comes to
believe that every man is romantic except the man in her life
despite the fact that
all her female friends are experiencing the same dilemma); men are overwhelmed because
they bear sole responsibility for the romantic shape of their relationship and they are
immobilized by this burden. Unfortunately both end up unsatisfied. Let me tell you a
secret most people arent romantic. There is no such thing as the
naturally romantic person like most things, romance is learned,
practiced and perfected.
From the time they are children, men and women are exposed to innumerable fairy tales
where prince charming sweeps the princess off her feet with his romantic tendencies
the last time I checked there werent too many prince charming types out there. Okay
so there are a handful of prince charmings that give all other men a bad
reputation but the only difference between the romantic man and the unromantic man
is the amount of time devoted to something they deem to be important. Romantic men have
already figured out the 2nd secret (which we believe in at Authentic
Messages) romance really is important.
Women arent left blameless in this quest for romance (even though they typically try
to absolve themselves of responsibility) how many women are willing to take
responsibility for the lack of romance in their relationships? Its the 21st century
ladies - be accountable! We want to be equal but our rants about equality
havent yet crossed over into the romantic realm. Youve heard it said time and
time again: Men just arent interested in being romanced. The elusive
being romanced is really about being appreciated and loved. Who doesnt
like to be appreciated
which leads me to secret number 3 (I like to call #3 the
no-brainer): regardless of gender, people want to feel they are special to
another person; they want to be valued for who they are.
When we think about romance, we tend to have tunnel vision. We dont realize that
romance isnt definable it can be anything to anyone. What is romantic to
Person A may not be the least bit romantic to Person B why cant romance be
defined? The answer to that is simple romance is, as secret 3 revealed, about
making someone feel loved and appreciated. Ultimately romance is incredible personal.
Different things are going to make different people feel loved, so dont get caught
up in the idea that its a waste of time to be romantic because your partner
doesnt like, and may even dislike, the mushy romance of movies. Of course this
brings us to secret 4 you need to find the romance that is right for your
relationship. Having no definition is what makes romance so accessible to everyone
it has a constantly changing nature that can be manipulated.
Lets face it men and women need a little help and not the kind of help that
pop psychologist gurus talk about in their infamous (and equally ineffective)
relationship books. Men and women need practical help real life solutions for a
real life problem. Men and women need to be inspired. I count myself an unofficial expert
in the field of romance because I see it everyday in my line of work at the romantically
themed store Authentic Messages people are coming to the website looking for ways
to be more romantic. These people have learned secret #5 being romantic
doesnt necessarily mean going it alone. You can acquire help from
outside sources to add a little romance in your life.
Unexpectedly military personnel have learned this secret better than any other group of
people. Military men and women who are stationed overseas are seeking out realistic
solutions to keep the romance alive from thousands of miles away and the internet is
helping them in ways not imaginable a decade ago. With the click of a button (and five
minutes of their time) those stationed abroad are able to set in motion a process that
enables them to communicate and remain connected in meaningful and romantic ways with the
partners they have left behind. Ive never thought much of the old adage that
absence makes the heart grow fonder, however in the case of military men and
women absence seems to make the heart grow more romantic. Leading me to secret
#6 it doesnt take a lot of time, effort or money to be romantic. Even those
in the most remote locations are able to achieve the magic that makes a relationship more
special (with the help of outside sources
taking us back to secret #5).
In order for relationships to be the most fulfilling they can be, both men and women need
to take an active interest in the pursuit of romance. Arguably communication, trust and
commitment are the foundations of any successful relationship; however a building
isnt much with only its foundation. Romance, you might say, is the architectural
detailing that makes a building more distinct and similarly a relationship more
fulfilling. The basis of romance is encapsulated in the six secrets revealed above and
summarized below.
1: There is no such thing as natural romance.
2: Romance is important.
3: Everyone likes to be romanced.
4: You need to find the romance that is right for your relationship.
5: Being romantic doesnt mean going it alone.
6: It doesnt take a lot of time, effort and money to be romantic.
If this has inspired you to add a little magic to your relationship, check out Authentic
Messages.com. We are a web based romantically inspired retail store specializing in
the sales of message in a bottle gift packages we have 35 different
bottles to choose from and over 200 sample messages for our buyers to choose from. Our
messages are predominantly romantic in nature; however we also have messages of
encouragement, appreciation and celebration. Your personalized message will come rolled
tightly inside of the bottle and the entire bottle will come lying on a bed of wood
shavings in one of our stunning wooden or leather display cases. Now your bottle can even
come engraved with a special message to your recipient. We will ship either to the buyer
or to the receiver which makes this a sensible gift for anyone.
Julie Steeper
Web Address: http://www.authenticmessages.com |